

コレクション 火村夕 213281-火村夕

"I was only remembering something from the past" A man often seen about the church He could pass as a science teacher, but would be considered too frightening for the job His origins are unknown, but claims he has some sort of job to perform Roaming Otowa's streets, he suddenly presents himself to those who interest him, leaving deep guidance and counsel in a crustyYuu Himura (火村 夕) A man who during the first series is found often in the Australian Otowa Church He admits he isn't a Christian, and that he is merely "waiting for someone" It is later revealed that he is Chihiro's guardian, of whom he is heavily protective He is linked to an unknown female figure that appears throughout the Japanese ef the first taleストーリー 序章 雨宮優子と火村夕がクリスマスの教会で再会するところから物語が始まる。 2人は過去の記憶を思い出し、再会を懐かしむ。 そして1年前のクリスマスから今日までに起こった物語を優子が語りだす。 第一章 Chapter1: Miyako Ever Ef A Tale Of Melodies 第1話 Welcome To Our Adolescence 火村夕